Saturday, June 11, 2005
Cram update
For those who are curious how exactly I'm pulling off this insane kanji cram and why I won't be on MSN for at least another two weeks:
I spend hours per day learning new readings and compounds, getting example sentences from WWWJDIC and then many more hours drilling staring at the screen just like that. Yeah it's kinda boring, and I have no life right now, but also very exciting because I'll be done soon. Here's my glowing review of Kotoba for all my Mac readers... yeah all two of you.
[ posted by asynchro @ 7:38 pm
がんばれーlorenzo! (^-^)/~
commented by
Anonymous, 5:55 am

Yo, dude, Keny here. So when are u heading to Japan? Leave me a message on my mail. Want to meet you before you head to Japan.
commented by 9:14 pm
you must be studying really hard~
just make sure you don't leave without telling us~
just make sure you don't leave without telling us~
commented by 4:16 pm