Wednesday, May 25, 2005
The hard truth
I already heard this news last week, through a fellow Epson co-op in the same predicament. I got confirmation for myself: you need to wait for two more months. The COE will be ready around late July, early August. (That's not even the visa)
So my month of freedom turns into three. I'll try to make the next two more productive than the first. How? I haven't decided, but I have lots of options.
[ posted by asynchro @ 6:19 pm
oh wow, the delay is a lot longer than expected... hm... i suppose you could find a part time job just to kill time and make spare cash?
commented by
Anonymous, 4:56 pm

that sucks man! go get mad at them... on a sidenote, I've met two other former epson interns here at Microsoft...
Lorenzo, join the dark side... it is your destiny
Lorenzo, join the dark side... it is your destiny
commented by 4:23 pm
No! noooooooooooooo!!!