Sunday, June 05, 2005
The missing piece
I think I've found it. I started by attacking the beast from all fronts -the Basic Kanji Books from school, song lyrics, dramas, Pimsleur. But for Remembering the Kanji 1 graduates, I think RTK2 is the key to quick kanji literacy after all. This second attempt is going much smoother than the first mainly because
- I have solid foundation to work with from Reading Japanese, and
- I'm saving a lot of stress with an excellent flash card program that I found for my Mac called Kotoba. Now, instead of spending 5 to 10 minutes making a beautiful handmade card for each character, I can spend that time using the virtual card for what it was created for - drilling the bastard into my head a million times until it never leaves.
Since I started the cram, I've been able to learn around 60-70 readings a day. I'm not getting any context practice, but that's ok because If I can keep this up, I'll be able to read (but not necessarily comprehend) a newspaper in about 3 weeks. Which is just in the nick of time, because I just heard that our COEs are due in on June 23, which should mean an early July departure :)
[ posted by asynchro @ 9:12 am
commented by
Anonymous, 3:53 pm

Weirdness - I saw a certain Superina on your website. And Angela and I are friends here at MS.