Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Goodbye Japanese class
I'm still trying to get a hang of balancing blogging with real-life (≈school). So here goes: the fastest blog post ever!
I wrote my Japan 201 final yesterday, and although I did fine I'm just a little saddened by the fact that 1) my Japanese language ability likely peaked last night writing the final, as it does for any course you're writing, I suppose. Especially with Konja over for the term and all the exchange students returning home. Speaking to yourself in Japanese just isn't the same you know. But anyway, more importantly; 2) Japanese class is just plain, over! Without a doubt, for the past year, Japan 101, 102 and 201 have kept my spirits and my average up in this increasingly disheartening CS program I'm in. (CS 343 and various others excluded). Some great memories from Japan 201 this term:
- Asking Mamoru our TA personal questions in front of the whole class to test our usage of "koto". "[sutorippu kurabu e itta, kisu wo shita] koto ga arimasu ka?"
- Spending about one week straight learning how to swear and kill each other in Japanese for our final presentation
- That warm feeling you get from attending the only class all week that you look forward to going to :)
Knowing that Japanese men, much like myself, are avid breast lovers, I decided to share my findings with a Japanese male friend of mine. I was hoping there was some sort of Science of Breasts Ministry he could contact, and in a few weeks we could get Operation: Japanese D-Cups underway. I carefully explained my observations and detailed my findings. He listened intently over his beer, giving me a few thoughtful nods, and when I finished he crossed his arms and said "But, I think if our women eat more McDonalds and exercise less, then maybe they'll be as fat as American women."

Perhaps they should be more worried about getting a J-pop-crazed otaku fan-boy ;)
The guys here are a little worried they're getting some CS weirdo ;)