Monday, February 28, 2005
A step back
Spending reading weekend with my family, with the initial euphoria dissipating, breaking the news to my mom that this is actually going to be a one year work term, and not a four-month one like the five prior (sorry mom and papa!), I was hit with something of a reality check. The negatives to living half a world away from home for a year finally surfaced. It'll be the first Christmas apart from my family. Will miss everyone's birthday for the first time. Everything on my to-do list will effectively be postponed a full year or more. Stuff like having my dad teach me how to drive standard, and going on (bike) rides with my parents. Countless everyday life stuff. Nothing earth-shattering and nothing that would've given me sufficient cause to decline Epson's offer, but nonetheless stuff worth thinking over. [Postponing graduation eight months (and being separated from friends) was really the only negative factor that ever entered my mind when making my decision.]
That being said, although I'm still exuberant about the whole thing, writing the two worst CS exams in my university career last week while I was off in another world dampened my spirits just enough to take me off cloud 9. I think I can concentrate now ;)
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
One small detail I left out
Silly me, I almost forgot to mention the company I'll be working for: Epson or more specifically, their software development division, ESD. Their co-op specific web page is a treasure trove of information. In particular, I recommend the voices of working students pages, especially if you're interested in applying for this job. I've spent hours poring over the information contained therein.
ESD has six offices throughout Japan; I don't yet know which I'll be placed in. Despite its unbearably hot summers and an active volcano that regularly spews ashes all over the city, if I could choose I think I would pick the southernmost one: 鹿児島 (Kagoshima). For a convincing argument see Toan Nguyen's ESD page - and it's not just because of point #3, although it certainly doesn't hurt ;).
At this point, I don't know much more than what's contained on the Voices page. I've only just accepted Epson's offer and am waiting to contact them through CECS.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
About 3 months to go
Hello, こんにちは、This is Lorenzo. No introduction needed as one of the first readers of this blog you probably know me in real life.
As you can gather, I'm going to be working in Japan for a year starting this May, 2005. I couldn't be more excited!!! (so excited that I actually made a blog!) Going to work and/or live in Japan was always my dream, especially since I began formal studies of the language about 10 months ago. Never in a million years would I have thought that my wish would be granted so quickly :) As such, I thought it would be quite prudent that I create a blog in order to keep a personal record of all the things I experience and adventures I plan on taking. You know, something to show the kids. Apparently, these things are also useful for keeping in touch with friends and family back home :)
Until I actually arrive there, this blog will just be your typical university student blog. So today... I think I just failed my CS 370 midterm... ;)